Merry and Pippin

The little Meriadoc Brandybuck, dressed as a knight of Rohan, and Peregrin Took wearing the armor of Gondor on a small vignette.

Despite Théoden’s refusal, Merry rode to Minas Tirith with the army of the Rohirrirn hidden on the back of Windfola, the horse of a knight named Dernhelm who offered to carry him hidden under his cloak.

When Pippin met Denethor he offered him his services at court to repay the debt of gratitude he owed to his late son Boromir. The steward accepted, appointing Pippin to the service of the Company of the Guard.

“Meriadoc Brandybuck, and Peregrin Took. I might have known.”

Games Workshop 28 mm miniatures in small scenes built on wooden plinths.

Two figures on individual wooden bases

900 €